Monday, 3 December 2012

Introduction to Java Server page

Java Server Pages :

                                              A JSP page is just like any other HTML file.It contains HTML formatting tags and can include client-side JavaScript,Flash animations, and Java applets.A JSP page,however, also includes Java Code and must have a .jsp extension. The extension simply indicates that the file should be executed before it is sent to the web browser.

                                            Java statements must be placed within <% and %> tag delimiters. Only code placed within these delimiters will be executed as Java code.

How a JSP page is Processed:

1.A Web browser request a JSP  page from  a Web Server. This could occur because the user has typed the address of the page or clicked on a link.

2.The Web server determines that a JSP file is being is requested by looking at the file extension.The JSP file is translated to a special Java class known as a servlet. This only occurs the first time that JSP page is requested.The Servlet is then compiled.If a JSP file has been updated, a new servlet will be generated.

3.The Servlet is then executed and the resulting HTML output is sent to the Web browser.

4.The Web browser receives the generated HTML code and displays the page. Dynamic content is displayed in the browser without the need for the user to install any additional software.

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