Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Performing Basic Mathematical Operations

<title>Basic Maths Operations </title>
<h3>Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division</h3>
5 + 2 = <%=5+2 %>
5 - 2 = <%=5-2 %>
5 * 2 = <%=5*2 %>
5 / 2 = <%=5/2 %>
5 % 2 = <%=5%2 %>



  • Type + between two values or variables and use the expression tag to print the result to the Web page.The + operator performs addition.
           5 + 2 = <%=5+2 %>
  • Type - between two values or variables and use the expression tag to print the result to the Web page.The + operator performs subtraction.
             5 - 2 = <%=5-2 %>
  • Type * between two values or variables and use the expression tag to print the result to the Web page.The * operator performs multiplication.
             5 * 2 = <%=5*2 %>
  • Type / between two values or variables and use the expression tag to print the result to the Web page.The / operator performs division.
            5 / 2 = <%=5/2 %>
  • Type % between two values or variables and use the expression tag to print the result to the Web page.The % operator returns the remainder when integer arithmetic is performed.
            5 % 2 = <%=5%2 %>


Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

5 + 2 = 7
5 - 2 = 3
5 * 2 = 10
5 / 2 = 2
5 % 2 = 1

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